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Friday Nights at Stinger's Messages in this topic - RSS

Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Posts: 12
Ronnie Garrett
Ronnie Garrett
Posts: 12
Due to the short notice of Dukes no longer having Friday night foos, we have not been able to locate another venue yet. So, after receiving feedback from multiple players, Jesse, Billy and I decided the best solution is to temporarily move Friday night events to Stinger's until we find a replacement venue for Dukes. Yes, we know it's further out for some players, but it's that or nothing for the time being. This will also place a hold on Saturday night events at Stinger's for now.

Stinger's first Friday night event will be a BYP. Start times will be the same as Dukes and event will start by 8:30. We are attempting to get the T3000's moved to Stinger's, but that is dependent on time and manpower (lots of tables to move!).

Also, the owner of Stinger's has committed to adding money if we can show a consistent 15+ players each Friday. So let's show some commitment and get the money added! This is something that we never had at Dukes.
edited by LetsFoos on 4/25/2019
edited by LetsFoos on 4/25/2019
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