August 2: BIG STING - $500 Added to DYP!
Address: 10040 N. 43rd Ave., Glendale, AZ
This tournament will be a SINGLE EVENT, Draw-Your-Partner Doubles, using regular Stinger's rules and entry fees, with 100% payback plus $500 added by Stinger's Sports Bar and AZ Foosball. Our objective with this event is to get the biggest turnout we can on a single Saturday at Stinger's while also running it as efficiently as possible, and to see if we can keep it economically viable to the sponsor to consider repeating at a regular interval.
* 3:00 official start time (this is MANDATORY; please show up early) * Tables will be opened at noon for FREE PLAY until event begins. ($5 table fee for event.) * Winners paid to 5th place, regardless of turnout. * Regular Stinger's entry fees ($12 pros, $8 Am/Ex, $5 Beg) * Standard Stinger's tournament rules (this includes "point card(s)" granted to players with under 2.0 league rating) * Some or all of loser's side of bracket may be played in abbreviated format depending upon turnout and time considerations (game-to-10 or "7-11" formats likely) * Match times will be strictly enforced (all players must be at table and ready to play within 5 minutes of match being called or forfeits will be levied) * 3-4 tables (T-3000 specs) on site.
IMPORTANT NOTES TO PLAYERS: We ask that all players be aware of the main purpose of this event (specified in opening paragraph) and do their best to help in its success. Please bear in mind that while there may certainly be ways to play through any particular event as rapidly as possible, with the Big Sting we are attempting to strike a happy balance between an event that is fun and popular with a generous payout, and one that also rewards the sponsor with a healthy herd of customers for the evening! There will be a large tournament chart on the wall so that all players can easily see their place in the tournament. Please try to keep the following points in mind:
* You should NOT ask "if your team can play next". Matches will be called in the order that best facilitates the event as a whole - not any one particular team. * You MAY ask "can you give us an estimate of when our next match will be called?" * If you are informed that your team is going to be playing on one of the next open tables, please try to locate your partner and opponents and get them ready to play.
Feel free to ask any questions in this thread, or give us a call!
Looking forward to a great time, and hope to see everyone there!
Bill Nolan (602) 751-8818 Jesse Rhode (623) 340-7577 edited by BillyBoy on 7/31/2014 |
Super Doubles Finals 8/2/2014
------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPER DOUBLES FINAL RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - Brian Salke/Pat Hutson (Expert) - $250 2 - Don Swan/Nick Bourdos (Pro) - $200 3 - Steve Mathews/Holly Minnig (Amateur) - $150 4 - Travis Hubred/Dave Newman (Beginner) - $125 |
Big Sting - 8/2/2014
Open DYP -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Pat Hutson/Ronnie Garrett - $330 2 - Mike Sames/Ricky Chun - $170 3 - Nick Bourdos/Travis Hubred - $90 4 - Gary Cooper/Mark De Oliveira - $50 5 - John Scully/Steve Taylor - $20 5 - Eric Borkavec/Debbie Crum - $20 7 - Jesse Rhode/Brian Salke 7 - Noel Rooney/John Crawford 9 - Don Swan/Holly Minnig 9 - Bob Duncan/Jim Sherman 9 - Casey Nelson/Tiffany Koehly 9 - Brad Chamberlain/Dion Koehly 13 - Jeff Minnig/Bill Nolan 13 - Pat Cain/Scott Turnidge 13 - Jason Williams/Scott Young 13 - Steve Mathews/Mike Schultz 17 - Guy Pesce/Darin Mosier 17 - Scott Young/Bridget Pedersen --------------------------------------------------------------
*** Special thanks to Brad C., Mike S., Jesse R. for help with tournament direction. *** *** Special thanks to Mike S. for referee support. *** *** Special thanks to Stinger's Sports Bar for their fantastic contribution and support. *** edited by BillyBoy on 8/3/2014 |
Interim League 8/6/2014
Handicapped DYP ------------------------------------ 1 - Holly Minnig/Brian Salke - $56 2 - Rulon Smith/Jeremy Wettlaufer - $28 3 - Cowboy/Travis Hubred 4 - Noel Rooney/Jason Williams 5 - Rob Newmeyer/Daniel Blech 5 - Dave Gilitiuk/Scott Young |
Cactus Moon 8/8/14
Sweet turnout! Now gotta get some of those dudes to go west! LOL |
Interim League 8/13/2014
Handicapped BYP -------------------------------------- 1 - Wandad Guscheh/Scott Young - $60 2 - Jesse Rhode/Noel Rooney - $24 3 - Bill Nolan/Rulon Smith 4 - Chris Serrao/Jacqueline Destries 5 - Ricky Chun/Jason Williams 5 - Noel Rooney/Daniel Blech |
Interim League 8/21/2014
Handicapped Roto BYP --------------------------------------- 1 - Jim Sherman/Eric Friesen - $70 2 - Brian Salke/Bridget Pedersen - $34 3 - Jim King/Ken Oglesby - $16 4 - Bill Nolan/Jason Williams 5 - Rissa Salke/Holly Minnig 5 - Noel Rooney/Rulon Smith 7 - Ricky Chun/Nolan Gorney 7 - Scott Turnidge/Miles Johnson 9 - Dave Gilitiuk/Nart Novak |
Interim League 8/27/2014
Handicapped BYP ----------------------------------------- 1 - Brian Salke/Travis Hubred - $70 2 - Bill Nolan/Rulon Smith - $40 3 - Jim Sherman/Holly Minnig - $15 4 - Jim King/Jacqueline Destries 5 - Noel Rooney/Nart Novak 5 - Eric Friesen/Tim Friesen 7 - Scott TurnidgeDave Newman 7 - Dave Gilitiuk/Daniel Blech 9 - Jason Collicott/Daniel Blech
1 on 1 Battle ----------------------------------------- 1 - Daniel Blech - $45 2 - Jim King - $25 3 - Tim Friesen - $10 4 - Jason Collicott 5 - Dave Newman 5 - Nart Novak 7 - Jacqueline Destries 7 - Brian Salke 9 - Dave Gilitiuk 9 - Bill Nolan 9 - Travis Hubred 9 - Eric Friesen 13 - Noel Rooney 13 - Holly Minnig 13 - Rulon Smith 13 - Scott Turnidge edited by BillyBoy on 8/28/2014 |
Pomeroy's Table is Set!
A T-3000 has been installed at Pomeroy's Bar & Grill in Phoenix!
They will be hosting team(s) and sponsoring the next version of AZ Foosball Leagues, starting soon. |
Interim League 9/3/2014
1 Ball Rollerball ------------------------------------------- 1 - Brian Salke/Rulon Smith - $62 2 - Jason Williams/Nart Novak - $30 3 - Bill Nolan/Noel Rooney - $14 4 - Ricky Chun/Wandad Guscheh 5 - Jim King/Dave Gilitiuk 5 - Jim Sherman/Holly Minnig 7 - Eric Friesen/Tim Friesen 7 - Travis Hubred/Jason Williams |
Little Sting 9/6/2014!
This Saturday at Stinger's Sports Bar! Featuring:
- Standard Stinger's entry fees ($5 beginner, $8 expert, $12 pro)
- Standard Stinger's rules (includes "point cards" granted to players with < 2.0 league rating).
- Contribution to prize pot is DOUBLED from $4 per player to $8 per player.
...Same entry fee - BIGGER PRIZES!
edited by BillyBoy on 9/6/2014 |
Stingers Sports Bar has been incredible in their support of Arizona Foosball - donating $4 per player to all events, $8 per player to a monthly "Little Sting" event and $500 to the Big Sting every several months, as well as providing free play before tournaments, free food all day at league championships, special seating, and installing cool yellow police tape during tournaments to give us extra room.
However, for some reason, it seems that foosers have lately decided to return this graciousness by playing only the events with bonus money and not showing up to the other weekly events. Plus, several players of late (three in total in past six weeks) have disrespected players and/or partners, the establishment, and tournament directors to the point of having to be suspended from all tournaments for 60 days.
Nonetheless, Stinger's still admirably extends their generous support of our game and players.
I would like it to be known that if the described pattern(s) don't change immediately, I will personally and proactively cancel the special events, extra prize money, and free play. I feel that relationships with sponsors should be mutually beneficial; I won't take their money unless I know we're giving them a return on their investment and the respect they deserve.
So it's up to all of us. Good sponsorship opportunities are hard to come by, and can lead to bigger possibilities down the road - let us all take advantage of it while it's offered and make the best of this opportunity!
================================================================= POLICY UPDATE ================================================================= Any player who engages in one of the following will be forfeited without refund, and suspended a minimum of 30 days from future tournaments.
* Speaking abusively to another player or a partner, and ESPECIALLY a new player. * Disrespecting a player, tournament director, the establishment or its employees in any way. * Slowing down a tournament by repeatedly not being available to play when called (which simultaneously disrespects everyone in the tournament).
And if you want to complain, stay home. If you have good, positive ideas, let's hear them! But deliver them with respect, and that touch of forethought that you learned in college. I insist. =================================================================
And a heartfelt, big, big thanks to those of you who have been grateful, reliable, and friendly to the new guys.
Bill Nolan edited by BillyBoy on 9/7/2014 |
"Little Sting" 9/6/2014
Roto DYP ($8 per player added) ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - Bryan Hendricks/Eric Borkavec - $170 2 - Brian Salke/Gary Cooper - $100 3 - Ronnie Garret/Jim King - $60 4 - Brad Chamberlain/Doug Steele - $30 5 - Jesse Rhode/Eric Friesen 5 - Darin Mosier/Rick Weirman 7 - Jeff Minnig/David Stath 7 - Jason Williams/Holly Minnig 9 - Bill Nolan/Adrienne McCormack 9 - Noel Rooney/Scott Turnidge 9 - Steve Mathews/Tim Friesen 9 - Debbie Crum/Brad Chamberlain |
Interim League 9/10/2014
Handicapped BYP ------------------------------------------ 1 - Brian Salke/Travis Hubred - $60 2 - Holly Minnig/Rissa Salke - $30 3 - Jim Sherman/Jason Williams -$14 4 - Eric Friesen/Tim Friesen 5 - Noel Rooney/Dave Gilitiuk 5 - Rulon Smith/Nart Novak 7 - Jim King/Ken Oglesby 7 - Ronnie Garrett/Nolan Gorney |
Stinger's 9/13/2014
DYP ---------------------------------------------- 1 - Brian Salke/Wandad Guscheh - $100 2 - Jesse Rhode/Bryan Hendricks - $50 3 - Bill Nolan/Eric Friesen - $26 4 - Bob Duncan/Holly Minnig 5 - Jeff Minnig/Scott Turnidge 5 - Gary Cooper/Bridget Pedersen 7 - Tim Friesen/Mike Schultz 7 - Bob Duncan/Adrienne McCormack |
Interim League 9/17/2014
Handicapped Super Roto ------------------------------------------ 1 - Brian Salke/Rulon Smith - $60 2 - Bill Nolan/Miles Johnson - $30 3 - Eric Friesen/Jim King - $12 4 - Ricky Chun/Tim Friesen 5 - Travis Hubred/Holly Minnig 5 - Bridget Pedersen/Jim Sherman 7 - Nolan Gorney/Rissa Salke 7 - Nart Novak/Daniel Blech |
Interim League 9/24/2014
Handicapped BYP ----------------------------------- 1 - Jim Sherman/Daniel Blech - $60 2 - Johnny Valles/David Gilitiuk - $30 3 - Brian Salke/Holly Minnig - $14 4 - Jim King/Miles Johnson 5 - Bill Nolan/Rulon Smith 5 - Nolan Gorney/Travis Hubred 7 - Bob Duncan/Brian Sternberg 7 - Justin Loken/Noel Rooney |
Stinger's 9/27/2014
1 - Wandad Guscheh/Jason Williams - $110 2 - Evan Stachalek/Gary Cooper - $63 3 - Bryan Hendricks/Holly Minnig - $30 4 - Jesse Rhode/Steve Mathews 5 - Bill Nolan/Bridget Pedersen 5 - Everett Jolly/Mike Schultz 7 - Brian Salke/Jason Harr 7 - Harry White/Jeff Minnig 9 - Mike Schultz/Adrienne McCormack |
Little Sting 10/4/2014!
Roto DYP ($8 per player added) ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - Bryan Hendricks/Evan Stachalek - $200 2 - Jeff Minnig/Jim Sherman - $110 3 - Brian Salke/Dave Newman - $60 4 - Bill Nolan/Wandad Guscheh - $20 5 - Eric Friesen/Steve Mathews 5 - Doug Steele/Adrienne McCormack 7 - Ronnie Garret/Holly Minnig 7 - Jason Williams/Scott Turnidge 9 - Everett Jolly/Jason Harr 9 - John Crawford/Tim Friesen 9 - Scott Young/Jesse Rhode 9 - Gary Cooper/Dave Stath |
Stinger's 10/18/2014
1 - Bryan Hendricks/Jason Williams $110 2 - Rissa Salke/Gary Cooper - $60 3 - Bill Nolan/Brian Salke -$30 4 - Doug Steele/Jesse Rhode 5 - Ronnie Garrett/ Mark De Oliveira 5 - Holly Minnig/Paul Lopes 7 - Bridget Pedersen/Jeff Minnig 7 - Jim Sherman/Adrienne McCormack 9 - Brian Salke/Scott Reeves
Bryan H. won the $5 in the drawing for early registration! |