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Points Ratings and Cactus Moon Friday 2/20.15 Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 755
Posts: 755
Hello Foosers -

Billy has completed the point rating system for Arizona Foosball and we have our initial point rating completed. It is based on the ELO system, Bill can give you many more details than I. This is just the initial points rating which is based off what we had before in Netfoos combined with all the results from the tournaments in the recently completed Phoenix Tour.

You can find the ratings at....


As always your input regarding these ratings is welcome, however please ask and take the time to learn how these ratings were obtained before you criticize them. In this initial posting we realize that some people may be mis-ranked but we have done our best to correct those obvious problems. Our goal is to come up with a fair and accurate system not biased by personal judgements or estimates of skill level, it is based purely on your results. As we use the system more and get a larger sample size the points will correct themselves. We will use these points for the HOF Warm-up and will continue to update them regularly.

As far as the Cactus Moon events tonight....I wanted to make some changes, just for tonight as several players have requested....

Singles will become a single elimination handicap singles event 3/5 -
To win a game the following must happen....
Pros score 7
Experts score 6
Amateurs score 5
Beginners score 4

5 dollar entry fee winner takes all.

Doubles will become a DYP/BYP -

Bring partners will pay as follows
Pro/Pro teams 15 each
Pro/EX teams 12 each
Ex/Ex teams 10 each
Ex/Am teams - 8 each
Am/Am teams 6 each
Beginner or DYP - 5 each.

Sorry about the late announcement regarding the event, we wanted to have the points done ASAP to facilitate this.

Hope to see you all there.

edited by chambie on 2/20/2015
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