4 days ago
Saltfire BYP 9/27
azrocketPosts: 151
1st. Pat/Jim S 2nd. Ricky/Towns 3rd. JB/TJ 4th. Chris S/Ash 5th. Dave/Jason
4 days ago
The Loft 9-24-2024 High/Low DYP Winners!
jimkingPosts: 7
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 18 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Casey Nelson / Jim Stults - $120 2 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Adrienne Mccormack - $50 3 - Gary Hillyer / Travis Hubred - $10 4 - Sharky / Rick Rivlin 5 - Jim Dickson / Christy L 5 - Michael Carey / Miles Johnson 7 - Paul Freund / Rolfe Criddle 7 - Jeff Minnig / Tori Minnig 9 - Jim King / Jeff Foote
9 days ago
9/22/2024 Loft Again
BillyBoyAdministrator Posts: 1395
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 18 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Townsend Saunders / Casey Nelson - $120 2 - Julie O' Halloran / Travis Hubred - $50 3 - Jim King / Jeff Foote - $10 4 - Jesse Rhode / Holly Neff 5 - Ken Oglesby / Michael Carey 5 - Sharky / Adrienne Mccormack 7 - Bill O' Halloran / Paul Freund 7 - Miles Johnson / Michael Johnson 9 - Rick Rivlin / Ash Mirzazadeh
19 days ago
Saltfire BYP 9/13
chambiePosts: 753
--------------------------------------------------------- Open Doubles SaltFire Brewing Co. 14 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Jim Sherman / Townsend Saunders 2 - Nick Bourdos / Ricky Chun 3 - Patrick Hutson / John Scully 4 - Ronnie Garrett / Brad Chamberlain 5 - Liz Fair / Ash Mirzazadeh 5 - Eric Borkovec / T. J. Telles 7 - Kaylen Kallander / Jeff Foote
Two Scoop
19 days ago
9/15/2024 Loft Again
BillyBoyAdministrator Posts: 1395
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 14 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Rick Rivlin - $90 2 - Jim King / Adrienne Mccormack - $40 3 - Tyler Troupe / Casey Nelson - $10 4 - Billy Nolan / Rolfe Criddle 5 - Ronnie Garrett / Miles Johnson 5 - Paul Freund / Jeff Foote 7 - Chris Serrao / Travis Hubred
20 days ago
8/25/2024 Loft Again
BillyBoyAdministrator Posts: 1395
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 18 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Rick Rivlin 2 - Jesse Rhode / Miles Johnson 3 - Jim Dickson / Jeff Foote 4 - Noel Rooney / Tori Minnig 5 - Sharky / Holly Neff 5 - Casey Nelson / Paul Freund 7 - Jason Thibodeaux / Travis Hubred 7 - Scott Tays / Adrienne Mccormack 9 - Ronnie Garrett / Gary Hillyer
20 days ago
9/1/2024 Loft Again
BillyBoyAdministrator Posts: 1395
--------------------------------------------------------- Handicapped Roto Bring-or-Draw The Loft Again 16 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Gary Cooper / Holly Neff 2 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Rick Rivlin 3 - Paul Freund / Travis Hubred 4 - Jeff Foote / Casey Nelson 5 - Miles Johnson / Jim King 5 - Jeff Minnig / Tori Minnig 7 - Jim Sherman / Michael Carey 7 - Adrienne Mccormack / Ronnie Garrett
20 days ago
Salt Fire singles 9/13
chambiePosts: 753
--------------------------------------------------------- Handicapped Singles SaltFire Brewing Co. 6 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Jim Sherman 1 - Patrick Hutson 3 - T. J. Telles 4 - Brad Chamberlain 5 - Townsend Saunders 5 - Liz Fair
24 days ago
9/8/2024 Loft Again
Big time fooserPosts: 40
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 20 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Casey Nelson / Tyler Troupe - $110 2 - Gary Cooper / Holly Neff - $50 3 - Ben Crawford / Adrienne Mccormack - $30 4 - Jim Sherman / Tori Minnig - $10 5 - Jim King / Michael Carey 5 - Ronnie Garrett / Rick Rivlin 7 - Sharky / Paul Freund 7 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Miles Johnson 9 - Townsend Saunders / Jeff Foote 9 - Jesse Rhode / Ken Oglesby
27 days ago
SaltFire DYP 9/5/24
chambiePosts: 753
--------------------------------------------------------- Draw-Your-Partner SaltFire Brewing Co. 15 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Patrick Hutson / Nick Bourdos 2 - Brad Chamberlain / Chris Serrao 3 - Gary Cooper / Ronnie Garrett 4 - Jim Sherman / Jeff Foote 5 - Esperanza Medina / Jesse Rhode 5 - John Scully / Ash Mirzazadeh 7 - Townsend Saunders / Adrienne Mccormack 7 - Ronnie Garrett / Keith Jones
SaltFire Handicap BYP 8/29/24
chambiePosts: 753
--------------------------------------------------------- Handicapped BYP "Goalie's Delight" SaltFire Brewing Co. 24 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Bob Duncan / Brad Chamberlain 2 - Eric Borkovec / Chris Serrao 3 - Scott Tays / Doug Steele 4 - Jeff Minnig / Nick Bourdos 5 - Esperanza Medina / T. J. Telles 5 - Jim Sherman / Townsend Saunders 7 - Johnny Valles / Elizabeth Fair 7 - Adrienne Mccormack / Ronnie Garrett 9 - Luke Manchester / Jesse Rhode 9 - John Crawford / John Scully 9 - Jeff Foote / Keith Jones 9 - Jason Thibodeaux / Ash Mirzazadeh
8/18/2024 Loft Again
Big time fooserPosts: 40
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) Minnig Ranch 14 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Ken Oglesby / Leanne Diliberto 2 - Jim Sherman / Tori Minnig 3 - Townsend Saunders / Miles Johnson 4 - Michael Carey / Rolfe Criddle 5 - Travis Hubred / Paul Freund 5 - Jeff Minnig / Rick Rivlin 7 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Jeff Foote
Saltfire BYP 8/16
azrocketPosts: 151
1st - Jim S/Ricky 2nd - Bork/TJ 3rd - Pat/JB 4th - JV/Rolf 5th - Miles/Keith
8/11/2024 Loft Again
Big time fooserPosts: 40
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 14 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Holly Neff 2 - Jeff Minnig / Paul Freund 3 - Jim Sherman / John Neff 4 - Jason Thibodeaux / Travis Hubred 5 - Ronnie Garrett / Miles Johnson 5 - Ken Oglesby / Rick Rivlin 7 - Michael Carey / Rolfe Criddle
View Interim League Points Race standings.
Tournament held at Jeff's House it was a nice change and cooler
8/4/2024 Loft Again
BillyBoyAdministrator Posts: 1395
--------------------------------------------------------- Handicapped Roto Bring-or-Draw The Loft Again 22 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Jim King / John Neff - $120 2 - Jesse Rhode / Jim Sherman - $60 3 - Travis Hubred / Michael Carey - $30 4 - Miles Johnson / Ken Oglesby - $10 5 - Paul Freund / Casey Nelson 5 - Adrienne Mccormack / Leanne Diliberto 7 - Gary Hillyer / Jim Dickson 7 - Tyler Troupe / Rolfe Criddle 9 - Jeff Foote / Billy Nolan 9 - Tori Minnig / Ronnie Garrett 9 - Jeff Minnig / Ash Mirzazadeh
View Interim League Points Race standings.
8/02/2024 DYP
Jesse RhodeAdministrator Posts: 307
--------------------------------------------------------- Draw-Your-Partner SaltFire Brewing Co. 14 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Ricky Chun / Chris Serrao 2 - Robert Romanowicz / Jim Sherman 3 - Brad Chamberlain / Michael Carey 4 - John Scully / Ronnie Garrett 5 - Ash Mirzazadeh / T. J. Telles 5 - Adrienne Mccormack / Jesse Rhode 7 - Jason Thibodeaux / Jeff Foote
7/31/2024 Main St. Billiards
BillyBoyAdministrator Posts: 1395
--------------------------------------------------------- Handicapped Monster Roto Doubles Main St. Billiards 11 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Noel Rooney / Jeff Minnig - $70 2 - Esperanza Medina / Gary Hillyer - $30 3 - Jeff Foote 4 - Billy Nolan 5 - Tori Minnig 6 - Townsend Saunders 7 - Jim Dickson 8 - Rolfe Criddle 9 - Chris Beaman
View complete tournament results. View Interim League Points Race standings.
Saltfire BYP 7/26
chambiePosts: 753
--------------------------------------------------------- Open Doubles Boulders on Broadway 15 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Jim Sherman / Townsend Saunders 2 - Nick Bourdos / Chris Serrao 3 - Michael Lawrence / Brad Chamberlain 4 - Ronnie Garrett / John Scully 5 - Miles Johnson / Tony Dardano 5 - Jeff Minnig / Zach Fross 7 - Graham D/Ayan 7 - Jeff Foote / Tom ??? edited by chambie on 7/30/2024
7/28/2024 Loft Again
Big time fooserPosts: 40
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 22 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Sharky / Ken Oglesby - $120 2 - Zach Fross / Gary Hillyer - $60 3 - Jesse Rhode / Jeff Foote - $30 4 - Ronnie Garrett / Holly Neff - $10 5 - Townsend Saunders / Tori Minnig 5 - Jim Sherman / Tyler Troupe 7 - Noel Rooney / Casey Nelson 7 - Jim Dickson / Travis Hubred 9 - Adrienne Mccormack / Jason Thibodeaux 9 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Paul Freund 9 - Jim King / Miles Johnson
View Interim League Points Race standings.
7/28/2024 Loft Again
BillyBoyAdministrator Posts: 1395
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 22 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Sharky / Ken Oglesby - $120 2 - Zach Fross / Gary Hillyer - $60 3 - Jesse Rhode / Jeff Foote - $30 4 - Ronnie Garrett / Holly Neff - $10 5 - Townsend Saunders / Tori Minnig 5 - Jim Sherman / Tyler Troupe 7 - Jim Dickson / Travis Hubred 7 - Noel Rooney / Casey Nelson 9 - Jim King / Miles Johnson 9 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Paul Freund 9 - Adrienne Mccormack / Jason Thibodeaux
View Interim League Points Race standings.