Where rivalries begin and end.
2018 Summer League Starts in May!
BillyBoy Administrator Posts: 1409
2018 Spring League is ready to begin in May!
Last month we held our first official Rules Committee meeting, where the coordinators and several players got together to discuss new league ideas, etc. The meeting went very well, and we came away with some good stuff to work on for this season and the ones coming up. Here is a sample of some of the changes to come...
- Some cool rules changes (concerning game scoring, lateness protocol, subs in playoffs, conference tie-breakers). Check them out here!
- Track player merits & demerits.
- Ability to score matches online (hopefully will see this one this season!)
So get ready for a fun new season! To sign up to play, go to the main leagues page and get on the sign up sheet. If you would like to get involved in helping to coordinate the league, call or text me anytime!
Bill Nolan AZ Foosball (602) 751-8818 edited by BillyBoy on 5/26/2018 edited by BillyBoy on 5/29/2018