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2/16/2020 Loft Again
BillyBoy Administrator Posts: 1405
--------------------------------------------------------- Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped) The Loft Again 22 players --------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Jim King / Miles Johnson 2 - Billy Nolan / Paul Freund 3 - Brad Laurine / Ron Taro 4 - Jeff Minnig / Holly Minnig 5 - Mark Deoliveira / Casey Nelson 5 - Ronnie Garrett / Michael Johnson 7 - Gary Cooper / Adrienne Mccormack 7 - Gary Schachtschneider / Stefan Morrison 9 - Michael Carey / Peter Burkhalter 9 - Steve Taylor / Debbie Taylor 9 - Vivek Arora / D Simms
View Interim League Points Race standings. edited by BillyBoy on 2/21/2020