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8/11/2024 Loft Again Messages in this topic - RSS

Big time fooser
Big time fooser
Posts: 40
Big time fooser
Big time fooser
Posts: 40
Roto Doubles (Hi-Low DYP, Handicapped)
The Loft Again
14 players
1 - Ash Mirzazadeh / Holly Neff
2 - Jeff Minnig / Paul Freund
3 - Jim Sherman / John Neff
4 - Jason Thibodeaux / Travis Hubred
5 - Ronnie Garrett / Miles Johnson
5 - Ken Oglesby / Rick Rivlin
7 - Michael Carey / Rolfe Criddle

View Interim League Points Race standings.

Tournament held at Jeff's House it was a nice change and cooler
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