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Phill Tran

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Foosball Rules and our Leagues

Phill Tran
Phill Tran
Newbie here -

I appreciate all the help from everyone I have played with (CactusMoon) and against (league play), and people calling me on any rules infractions that may occur. Like Brad said, I don't want anyone to say "Hey, you just did ______, and it's against the rules, but go ahead play on." I would rather lose possession, and learn from the mistake. It's one possession, life goes on. I'd rather learn and play fairly than play incorrectly, and then mess up in a tournament to lose a tournament match for my team. Cheers folks! This first season has been a blast so far. And yes, I'm still struggling to make it past my .7 rating. C'mon 1.0!!!!!!

- phill (slo rollers)
We need to talk...

Phill Tran
Phill Tran
*grabs popcorn* Damn! This is what happens when I leave the foosball scene for a couple months! I know you all miss me.

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