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Drunk Hillbilly

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Drunk Hillbilly
Drunk Hillbilly
Look, what I don't get is people chime in about idea's they have and they think it's crazy that the person running the tournaments and site for everyone's use doesn't go with their suggestions! Without getting too complicated and rehashing all of the shit that has been rehashed for the last 8 years, its simple. If you don't like how things are done, offer to help do it the way you think it should be done. I would bet Billy would let someone help him. Or.....if you don't like the way it is ran now, DON'T FUCKIN PLAY!!!!!!!!!!! I don't give a damn who you are! I.E. World champ or first time player!!!! Suggestions, great! There's a forum for it but don't bitch when they are not instilled. Like I said, don't like it, take over!!!!! Now, at the same time, Billy, I would expect you to let go of the reigns a little if anyone ever DID DECIDE to take a few things over. I understand you have had a little help with tournies and such but not to when it comes to this particular item we are speaking of. I know it's tough to "let go" when you have put so much time, effort and money into something but if you want help, you need to be open to idea's and in this case, as you and Zeke both said, Netfoos would work. Sooo......if Zeke or anyone else wants to take the time to load everything onto netfoos and track, update names as well as whatever else is required, I say ask Billy to let YOU take it over. This way, you can control it the way you want to. After all, isn't that what this is all about? My 2 cents.
New rule for league play.

Drunk Hillbilly
Drunk Hillbilly
I think we should instill a rule that says whenever a person thinks they are better than the rest bitches because he loses and blames it on slop, the guy on the other side of the table can put his fist through said guy's face!
Starting Events on Time

Drunk Hillbilly
Drunk Hillbilly
Ohhhhhhhh Boy!!!!! Here we go again!!!!
New Award Suggestions?

Drunk Hillbilly
Drunk Hillbilly
I think we should have an award for the person who sandbags the most! We could call it the "Biggest Dickhead" award. Of course everyone knows who would win it each year!!

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