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FOOS BOWL XXI Champions!

Jason Collicott, Rick Chun, Esperanza Medina, Chris Serrao
of the Moosers

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2024-2025 Phoenix League Final Standings
Eastern ConferenceStrength: 9-7 (0.563)
Ball Smackers1060.625-37-29-1912271221-5-39-4L12-3
The Moosers970.563138-28-14118911952-14-48-6W33-2
Better Lucky Than Good970.563138-29-18121011641-25-37-6W13-2
Foos Monsters880.500235-33-1311961190-4-46-8L13-2
Foos Gone Wild790.438330-41-1012051175-4-45-8W13-2
Blind Squirrels6100.375426-40-1710801236-3-55-8W12-3
Western ConferenceStrength: 7-9 (0.438)
Bearded Kartel1150.688-44-26-1313341255-6-211-3W14-1
Ball Lightning1060.625138-26-16118011322-04-48-6W55-0
Goal Diggers1060.625136-28-18117912190-26-28-5L13-2
Foosage à Trois970.563233-32-1612511137-5-37-7W13-2
Foos Brothers790.438437-32-1512831233-3-56-8L60-5
The DEAD BARS3130.188816-49-1711041264-2-63-11L12-3
joshua radas9/9 8:52pmIt's a conspiracy that player stats were withheld while Goal Diggers were digging out the early season.
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Foos Bowl XXISaturday, January 18, 2025
Individual Finals
GOALIE WAR:  Steven Proctor defeated Darrin I'atala (2-1)
LEAGUE STUD:  Chris Serrao defeated Bill Walling (2-1)
SINGLES:  Esperanza Medina defeated Joshua Radas (2-1)
FORWARD SHOOT OUT:  Rick Rivlin defeated Jim Hubred (2-0)
5 BAR WAR:  Jeff Minnig defeated Jeff Tucker (2-1)
DOUBLES:  Billy Nolan defeated Daniel Ramirez (2-0)
ROLLERBALL:  Daniel Ramirez defeated Darrin I'atala (2-0)
The Moosers 3, Goal Diggers 1
Casey NelsonGuest contributorThursday, February 06, 2025
Foos Pulse

What's Next?

Foosbowl 2025 has happened. The true "regional" event: AZ state 2025 followed. We have been tested.

We have seen great players. Can we emulate their techniques? Have our own expectations been realized? We each have been challenged and our personal strengths and weaknesses have been exposed. Now we know where to concentrate our efforts to be a better player.

We have already begun to form the next league season. We are biting at the bit to get into the proverbial fray, We watched each other over the past season and notice each others talents. Now we are pondering our next team. How do I match up with whom? The building process has begun once again. Shall we have one high-ranking player with two lower-ranking players? But will two high-ranking and one low-ranking be a better match? How can we use our handicapping to its full potential? Perhaps our team should incorporate three high-ranking players knowing full well that we show up embracing the point spread?

We shall see, won't we?

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Arizona Foosball League
Experience the best.

Each season, scores of players sign up for a round of competition and fun like no other in the history of foosball!  There are both team and player awards for all variants of the game ranging from standard doubles & singles to goalie war, forward shootout, and even rollerball.   Every week, teams are faced with a new challenge in their quest to win their division, make the playoffs and ultimately claim the league championship in the classic FOOS BOWL title match.

So if you have become bored of beating all the punks in your neighborhood and you need a new challenge and want to make a bunch of new friends, what are you waiting for?  Everyone who is anyone is playing the Arizona Foosball League - so grab your gloves and we'll see you at the table!
Sign up now for 2025 League!
The 2025 Arizona Foosball League is slated to begin on May 6, and sign-ups are open! The league is open to all players, regardless of experience level. You must be 21 or older to play in our standard league. The season runs 16 weeks, and the cost is $50 for the season (10% off for early registration). For more details on how the league works, check out the FAQ.


The league signup sheet helps players assemble teams and select playing preferences. Add your name to the list below by clicking the JOIN! link on the top menu.  Note that adding your name to the sheet does not commit you to play or to pay; it merely indicates your availability & preferences.  The sooner you join the list, however, the greater the chance you will obtain your favorite playing locations and partners!  Confirmed teams are grouped together on the sheet by color code; all other players are displayed in plain white.


2025 Phoenix Summer League Sign-up Sheet
Start Date: May 2025
Coordinator: William Nolan; [email protected], (602) 751-8818
Fee: ?

Add me to the list!
Jeff Foote1.4-Teammate, CoordinatorpendingBill wahling, Jim shermanT,M,W,F,Th,SaStinger's, Loft, B.S., the Dublogin to access11/28-
Jeff Tucker2.7-TeammatependingBridget Pederson, Adrienne McCormackTFire & Furylogin to access12/18-
Rick Rivlin1.2-Teammate, CoordinatorpendingSteve Taylor, Anthony LaubeT,WAnylogin to access12/7-
Steve Taylor
4.4-TeammatependingRick Rivlin (Need 1)AnyAnylogin to access2/6-
Billy Nolan5.9-Teammateavailable (Need 2)T,WAnylogin to access11/28-
Jason Collicott4.1-Undeclared--AnyAnylogin to access--
-6 players
0 official teams
--$05 teammates
0 reserves
0 subs
2 coords

Stop *trying* to foos me and FOOS me...


Interim League Returns

7pm Wednesdays in East Phoenix (Mesa)


Despite a "kung fu" theme for Interim League events, your kung fu may not improve.

Every Wednesday until the start of the next officially sanctioned season, an Interim League event will be hosted at one of the league locations.  Each event will offer a league-style event as well as pick-up games.  The location and event type will be announced by email or text message each week.  It's a great way to meet veteran league players, introduce new players to the league, win prizes, and just have some good fun and chat!


■ All players are eligible (NOT limited to veteran league players!).  New players will be given an initial rating by a league coordinator.

■ A small entry fee will be charged, along with a contribution from AZ Foosball, in order to provide prizes for each event, including:

■ The following additional prizes* will be awarded at the end of the interim league period:

·  League Medal to the player with the best overall winning percentage

·  FREE ENTRY  to the next official league season to player with best winning percentage & rating < 4.0

·  50% off league entry fee to player with most interim events played

* Winners must have played in at least 33% of scheduled interim league events.

* Tie-breakers, in order: win pct., most events played, most total points, higher league rating, split.

* Prizes are non-transferable.

2025 Interim League Standings
Coordinator: William Nolan; (602) 751-8818
First Event Hosted: January 18, 2025
Last Event Hosted: February 2, 2025
# Events Hosted: 5
# to Qualify: 2
Final Event Scheduled: April 16, 2025
  • Vivek Arora
    Vivek Arora has been on fire lately!
  • Jesse Rhode
    Winner Last Event Jesse Rhode
  • Anthony L.
    Rookie Leader Anthony Laube
1Vivek Arora4.535/9, 1/29, 2/1346/510.902
2Jesse Rhode6.625/20, 1/1329/330.879
3Luke Manchester4.024/29, 4/1336/420.857
4Steve Mathews5.921/20, 9/2941/490.837
5Casey Nelson5.638/20, 3/9, 2/1332/420.762
5Ash Mirzazadeh5.229/29, 3/1332/420.762
7Jim Sherman9.727/9, 5/2928/380.737
8Anthony Laube1.122/20, 9/1324/330.727
9Darrin I'atala4.129/20, 7/2935/490.714
10Michael Carey5.643/20, 1/9, 17/29, 5/1349/710.690
11Holly Neff3.844/20, 7/9, 13/29, 3/1348/710.676
12Esperanza Medina4.032/20, 17/29, 2/637/550.673
13Billy Nolan5.933/20, 6/6, 7/1326/390.667
14Jeff Minnig6.927/20, 13/2931/490.633
15Townsend Saunders7.1213/29, 5/1326/420.619
16Steve Jarzyna1.1315/20, 1/9, 5/1324/420.571
17Bill O'Halloran5.334/9, 17/29, 4/1329/510.569
18Gary Hillyer4.222/9, 17/2921/380.553
19Adrienne Mccormack0.3413/20, 3/9, 13/29, 9/1337/710.521
20Levi Klein7.242/9, 25/29, 1/6, 5/1328/570.491
21Julie O'Halloran6.139/9, 13/29, 7/1325/510.490
22Rick Weirman3.5217/29, 7/1320/420.476
23Zach Fross8.425/9, 17/2918/380.474
24Jeff Foote1.4511/20, 4/9, 17/29, 2/6, 13/1335/770.455
25Paul Freund3.9312/20, 7/9, 9/1317/420.405
26Tony Dardano3.7314/20, 17/29, 9/1325/620.403
27Rolfe Criddle0.144/20, 25/29, 3/6, 13/1327/680.397
28Miles Johnson3.825/6, 9/137/190.368
29Ronnie Garrett5.5417/20, 7/9, 17/29, 9/1325/710.352
30Jim Stults4.5216/20, 5/910/290.345
31Tori Minnig0.2210/20, 25/2916/490.327
32Jim King6.035/9, 25/29, 9/1315/510.294
33Chris Serrao6.3220/20, 1/67/260.269
34Jim Hubred4.3419/20, 9/9, 25/29, 7/1315/710.211
-Michael Villanueva6.411/2929/291.000
-Rick Rivlin1.211/2020/201.000
-Mark Williams4.311/1313/131.000
-Francisco Marquez4.312/2928/290.966
-Joe Rhodes10.112/2928/290.966
-Jeremy Austin4.813/2927/290.931
-Nick Bourdos9.413/2927/290.931
-Vincent Fiederlein6.314/2926/290.897
-Doug Purcell3.715/2925/290.862
-Jason Thibodeaux4.415/2925/290.862
-Daniel Fiederlein8.215/2925/290.862
-Jason Collicott4.117/2923/290.793
-Brad Chamberlain7.317/2923/290.793
-Patrick Hutson8.317/2923/290.793
-Steve Taylor4.416/2015/200.750
-Lotus Chesbrough4.019/2921/290.724
-Lou York4.419/2921/290.724
-Bob Duncan4.519/2921/290.724
-Steven Rollings6.019/2921/290.724
-Michael Mendoza6.219/2921/290.724
-Gerry Jamie6.519/2921/290.724
-Daniella Avalos3.5113/2917/290.586
-Kimberly Villanueva4.0113/2917/290.586
-Ricky Chun8.4113/2917/290.586
-Chris Petit6.914/63/60.500
-Bridget Pedersen0.3117/2913/290.448
-Scott Tays5.8117/2913/290.448
-Gary Cooper6.5117/2913/290.448
-Eric Borkovec6.5117/2913/290.448
-John Scully6.8117/2913/290.448
-Matt Groth9.5117/2913/290.448
-Ross Lantzy10.5117/2913/290.448
-Ken Oglesby6.319/135/130.385
-Levi Criddle0.1125/295/290.172
-Frank Martinez6.1125/295/290.172
-Jim Dickson6.8125/295/290.172
-Noel Rooney7.6125/295/290.172
-Bryan Hendricks8.6125/295/290.172
-Bill Walling3.5118/203/200.150
Leader of VeteransWinner of Last EventRegistered for Next Event
Leader of RookiesMost Events Played
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