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Join a League
Arizona Foosball has retrieved the following personal information from your user profile. Please verify this data so that we may contact you regarding the leagues. (Your contact information will remain confidential at your request; simply check or uncheck "show to players" to indicate which items should appear on the public sign-up sheet. Note that you must enter your name, however!)

First Name:

Last Name:



How would you like to participate?

(Official paid league member; eligible for all regular and post-season play, prizes, league t-shirt, and other privileges.)
(Available to fill in for team members during league play. Eligible for restricted prizes and privileges.)
(Official paid 'alternate' member for a particular team. Eligible for restricted prizes & privileges.)
(Help to manage league functions & policies. You can do as much or as little as you are comfortable with!)

The Arizona Foosball League will last 14-16 weeks, plus playoff matches.  All matches are played once per week at 7pm.  Help us decide the best day(s) to schedule the new league by rating your availability for each day on a scale of 0 to 5 (0 = cannot play, 5 = very good for you).

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

There are various venues around the Phoenix area currently sponsoring Arizona Foosball League teams.  Each team will be based at one of these sites, and will host its home games there.  Pick the locations that are best for you by rating each on a scale of 0 to 5 (0 = cannot play, 5 = very good for you).

Click here to view a map of all participating locations!

List any potential teammates here. (Make sure to remind them to list you on their sign up form as well!)

If you have a potential team name in mind, provide it here.

Introduce your team to the rest of the league.  This can be a simple description, team philosophy, credo, mission or manifesto!
(192 characters max.)


Post a short message on the league sign up sheet for all to see!  Use this space to introduce yourself to the players, describe what you are looking for on your team, or simply announce your intentions to take the championships!
(128 characters max.)


Submit comments, suggestions, or questions intended for the league coordinators.  These comments are private and will not appear on the sign up sheet!
(256 characters max.)


Indicate which notifications you'd like to receive for various league-related events.

Email Text
New Player Joined:
Coordinator Updates My Status:
My Matches:
Substitute needed:
Interim Events:

The Arizona Foosball League is always looking for new members! If you know some players or friends that you feel may be interested in joining, please list their names and contact info here.
Note:  If you are a returning league player and you bring in a new player, you can get $20 OFF YOUR REGISTRATION FEE!

Name: Telephone: Email:

  • Submit your league sign-up form by clicking the button below and keep an eye on the sign-up sheet on the leagues page! There you will be able to find others who are joining and looking for partners.
  • Create an AZ Foosball Player Bio Page to tell the foos world about yourself! To do so, just click on the Player Bios link on the side menu!
  • Come play in our Sunday handicapped tournament at the Loft! This tournament is very popular among league players, and is a great way to meet AZ Foosers and help put together your team!
NOTE: You must be logged into the website in order to sign up for the league! If you do not yet have an AZ Foosball account, simply click the "Register" link at the top right to sign up.