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=AZXTQ_iPRNmOwx7ofM3mB0payLTtwPuIw8BWqszAZSPgj-0m2xhovgs6qXbwemZNo6zTAx6Lj5o4g_hMerLXAdVMRC6x8nH7I9QVMe_LGs7GVcv82Oxop32xF4CXhCEEH_L5yXcGPsY9KqIKI28pZBTYZtoT5BU9OEqFf8nUxgCGu4xvQbQLetx5BMWoF9l71mh_odp37sMwhGxBAEChO8hmszxAeGrben1sGtMMq238Hg&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R]Mary Moore

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As the player based grows and the tournaments get larger. You either have to do one of two things. You have to have a lot more tables. Or you have to make some changes in your format in order to get the Tournament finished on time. And there's another reason for this change to championship format. Because it's been dysfunctional, doing double elimination, forever.
No loser should ever be the winner of an event. Championship format allows the only undefeated team to be the winner. Championship format automatically eliminates 30 matches if you have 30 events. If there all ran in this format. That's a minimum, because if it goes to second set. That could be another ten, to twenty matches, having to be played on the weekend.
Growing pains hurt, but that is a good thing. But, if we don't run tournaments, well, new players don't come back. Our events have been scheduled and been finishing on time after I had to make the first change. The first change was I had to get rid of packages because there were too many people in the events that were only playing because, it was included in their package. We have not restricted players so now they can play only if they buy into these events. This has worked well, but now as we get larger turnouts. We see that there has to be another change. And that's why we've changed to Championship format. Plus it just does not make sense for somebody to win kingseat and have to wait hours or even days later, to play a finals and let somebody come back to try to double dip them. I do not see anything professional in that. And it is very confusing to the viewing audience. And who's gonna play their best game two days later. What championship format does it lets the best player that is playing the best at the time when this event starts to win this event. Double elimination, is what players are used to. And this is gonna be a hard change for them. But we do allow you to lose and be able to come back and play into the money in the loser's bracket. I feel this is a compromise between single elimination and double elimination, which was a dysfunctional way to run tournament. No other sport runs double elimination. So championship is a compromise. It is also great for the viewing audience. They can know exactly when the finals are going to be. Spectators will be able to log in and watch these matches and see a lot more finals.
The one thing I know for sure. After running thirty three years of tournaments. Our players wanna come out and play as many events as they can. Our specialty events are always on the first and last day, so they're not conflicting the main events. With the proper schedule, you should be able to play any event that you want. And it will not hold up the tournament. Every now and then you will get somebody really playing hot. This might cause a few conflicts, but it still will allow the tournament to play on time. Wisconsin is a great example this year. It finished late for the first time. Although 2a.m. is not that late, it is still late for a lot of players to be playing finals. The only reason it finished that late was because of all the double dips throughout the weekend. They had a great schedule and a great staff. And because so many double dips happened, that's the first time they have finished that late. Another good example is at the Kentucky state? We actually had 2 news medias come out because they knew when the finals were playing, only because the championship format. So I hope this gives everybody a better ideal and clear understanding why we have made this change. We took a dysfunctional format and we compromised. Allowing there to be a loser's bracket, but it is not called double elimination anymore. It is championship format. The finals is the king seat match. That is the only person that never lost a match. And that should be the true winner. And since that is the finals, the loser of the King seat match is the second place finisher, because that was the finals.

I am sorry. It has taken me this long to get on here and have this discussion with you. Feel free to ask me any questions directly by text or messenger. Thanks for your time and sorry for such a long post.
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