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Slam Duncan
Slam Duncan
Posts: 45
Slam Duncan
Slam Duncan
Posts: 45
I have a question about the Monster DYP formats. When are we going to get a good explanation of how the format works? I've been to two tournaments that use this format and still don't have a clear idea about how it works.....how are partners drawn, how are matches drawn, how many points do you earn for each match played, hoow do you get the same partner twice with this format, and who the winners have been. It would help a lot if we could look at the brackets (or whatever the equivalent is) showing all the matches played, results, and the points assigned for each match to each player, as well as an explanation of how the points are derived. Something other than "it's a computer algorithm".

That is all.
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Posts: 1373
Posts: 1373
Hey Bob, good questions.

Although I could answer some of your questions in a general sense regarding typical methods used in round robin styled events, most of those are often tunable (e.g., tie-breakers, methods of pairing, etc.) and may vary at times. As you probably know, I'm not as involved in directing tournaments lately as I used to be, and as far as what is typically used in the "Monster" style event(s) I am not yet sure of myself. I will talk with Ronnie and Jesse and we will make a point to more precisely address your questions in an upcoming post.

Thanks as always for your interest and dedication!
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Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
Posts: 304
Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
Posts: 304
2 points for a win. 1 point for a draw. 0 points for a loss. We run it pretty much as is from Kickertool. As far as how it determines the ratings for the players, we have been using the

Sonneborn-Berger scoring system:

"The Sonneborn–Berger score is a scoring system often used to break ties in chess tournaments. It is named after Hermann Neustadtl, who proposed it in a letter published in Chess Monthly in 1882." -Wikipedia.
Basically an ELO type system and if you really want to know more about it, that is the name/system to look into.
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