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Square Pass and Catch Messages in this topic - RSS

Alex Koudrin
Alex Koudrin
Posts: 5
Alex Koudrin
Alex Koudrin
Posts: 5
A square pass (sometimes called a straight pass) is the transfer of the ball between two rods. One foosman on the 5-rod kicks the ball to the receiving foosman on the 3-rod. The ball travels straight, that is, parallel to the side walls. A square pass is the basis of most other passes in foosball.

You need to know the technique of catching to be able to stop the ball after a pass or a loose ball on the field.

To execute the square pass, put the ball in front of your edge 5-rod man. Align the corresponding 3-rod man with the ball. Tilt the 3-rod anti-clockwise for the receiving foosman to be ready to catch the ball. Quickly rotate the 5-rod anti-clockwise enough for the edge man to kick the ball straight to the 3-rod man.

To catch with the 3-rod man, a ball travelling right from the 5-rod, rotate the 3-rod man anti-clockwise to an angle of 30 - 45 degrees. The catch movement should be soft to absorb some of the impact of the ball. Ideally you should be able to catch a quick pass without the ball rolling or bouncing away.

Once you have caught the ball, you have completed your first pass. Now you can put the ball back under the 5-rod and do it again and again until you become comfortable with it.

To practice the square pass, you can lift the 5-rod defenders out of the way of the ball. After perfecting the unobstructed passes, bring down the defenders and try to make your passes through the gaps. Although the defence is stationary, it is a tough exercise.

This basic ball work is extremely important, because it is a building block for all other passes. A straight pass like this on its own is not likely to be used in a game, because it is easily blocked. The following gives some variation on real life passes.

The square pass can be positionally subdivided into two types of passes, a wall pass and a lane pass.

If you’d like to find out where to find the diagram, other tips and more about the new foosball guide, sign up to my mailing list today at www.FoosGuide.com.

Foosball Regards,
Alex Koudrin
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