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Duke's Transparency July 1rst Report Messages in this topic - RSS

Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
Posts: 304
Jesse Rhode
Jesse Rhode
Posts: 304
First and foremost, with everything that is going on with the El Jimador events, I wish to make it absolutely clear that there will be no more funds added to the August 25th DYP Event, as I have decided to cap it at $500.00 (extra money added to pot by Brad C and Jesse R). Yes, a bit rude, but I need some monetary responsibility during the next 2 months. We did not quite get to that point as of yet, but we soon will at any rate, so no worries. In addition, I am considering allowing others into the tournament that fall short of the 16 necessary events...but, it will be for a substantial fee that would increase based upon how much you fall short of the necessary 16. This is, by NO means, a certainty...It is simply something that was brought up to me last night that I need to discuss with others already qualified for the event.

Anyways, once again I have the attendance charts for everyone to peruse. I did make some changes to it recently in order to simplify things for myself. Of the most interest, is the color coding. Green means good to go, yellow is 1 event away, and pinks are those that still have a shot at hitting 16 events. As you can see, there are only 18 people that have a shot at being in the tournament at this time (with 8 being dependent upon making future events). This number is why someone suggested I open it up a bit for those that are just outside the margin for a fee. All that being said, these are the things that are on my mind...and all those that are color coded can expect to hear from me in the near future about opening it up a bit for a fee...or not.

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