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Response to Billy's Lack of information Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 176
Posts: 176
Billy wrote:
I do not feel it is "good sportsmanship" to take a regional title due to an arrangement with the person in the king seat and then not even mention it when you are congratulated on a national board. I want to stress here, Zeke (because of the impersonality of the internet and the ease of which statements are taken in the worst possible way) that this is not something I hold against you. In fact, when the point came up amongst friends/players, all I said was that I was surprised you didn't mention it. I could believe that you honestly didn't really even think about it. Hell, for all I know maybe it wasn't even true. You've always seemed like a good and honorable guy the whole time I've known you. But my point is that I have not walked in your shoes, so I am not going to pass judgment on you. You should do the same.

Just so everyone knows the situation. A few years back at the West Coast Smackdown in San Diego. I lost to the Dave Pesce for the king seat of semi pro singles, and then came back to play him again in the final. Let me mention a couple of things. First, I hate it when people dont want to play finals. There's some poeple who are happy with splitting the money and being done. I'm not like that, I dont care some much about the money as I do about playing a final, especially against someone who beat me. Second, for years, it was all too common that some of the phoenix guys (mainly Nick), who always wanted to split and not play finals. Ask Trevor about this. Trevor hated this (he told me himself).

So getting back to the San Diego tournament. When I was ready to play Dave Pesce, he came up to me and said he wanted to split the money. I told him, I dont mind splitting the money but I want to play for the Jacket and the title (I'd never gotten a jacket, and like i said above, i dont like not playing finals). He said he didnt care for the Jacket cause he had a bunch. So i told him that if he doenst want to play then I'm taking the jacket and first place honors. He didnt care.

So I'm not going to go out on a forum and post that Dave didnt want to play me in the final! The way I see it, he forfeited the final. I had every intention of playing that final, so i'm not going to feel bad if someone chooses not to play it. It's not like it was going to take more than 45 minutes to finish it.

<em>edited by zekefooser on 10/21/2008</em>
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